Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Wonderful Thing about Chiggers

There is nothing quite so striking, inspiring, and wonderful as a meadow packed with wildflowers in full bloom.

Except for the chiggers.

I hate them.

They are worse than mosquitoes. At least with mosquitoes, you can see what has just bitten a chunk out of your leg, and you have a chance to possibly smack the life out of the sucker. On the other hand, a chigger seems to have evolved into a mysterious invisible insect that creeps up whatever body part is touching the ground, and appears a day or two later in the form of tiny white bumps on your skin that itch like crazy and take weeks to disappear.

How annoying.

Knowing this, I can choose to either make accommodations to protect myself from the chiggers, or just not go to the meadow at all. But the beauty of the meadow far outweighs the inconvenience of the chiggers, so I spray on the DEET, tuck my pant legs into my socks, and reap the rewards of the meadow.

It’s the same with people. Each of us, even our friends, has an annoying trait or two (or twenty) that can make others wish they had a knife handy to either use on the person in question or themselves. We can either choose not to spend time with these people, or we can make accommodations for their annoying quirks because they are inspiring and wonderful, and our lives would be drab and unfulfilled without them. Lord knows my annoying habits are closer to the twenty-plus range. I’m just thankful that I’ve found friends who can put up with me, chiggers and all.

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